American Gulf School has created a dynamic Pre-K, KG1, and KG2 programs to fulfil the developmental needs and interests of 3- to 6-year-old learners. Learning at AGS is a holistic learning experience that ensures all aspects of development are integrated (social, emotional, physical, and cognitive). At AGS, we believe that learners will only make excellent academic growth when they are happy, feel safe, and are settled socially. We place a strong emphasis on pastoral care from the moment a child joins our school.


The American Gulf School believes that for these goals and expectations to be achieved, our KG department provides a flexible and dynamic environment, ensuring that learning takes place through play and practical hands-on activities. The curriculum is designed to foster curiosity, inspire, and teach children to be reflective. To support learning, our classroom environments are set up so that learners can move freely around areas for reading, writing, art, construction, imaginative play, science, and mathematics.

Classroom capacity of no more than 20 learners are permitted. Children benefit from the educational experiences that their teachers provide for them. It is for this reason that each classroom is staffed by a qualified, experienced teacher; one full-time teacher assistant and academic support teacher when needed.


Each child’s mental, physical, and social abilities are developed through a multi-sensory approach to education. Individual and group activities stimulate cognitive development and social growth. In addition, teachers often divide classes into smaller work groups and employ a system of learning centres to maximize each child’s achievement.

We continually and consistently encourage each child to grow and develop individually, honoring each child’s uniqueness. Young children need extended periods of time and as much space as possible to discover, investigate and play, with a variety of materials, in order to learn about themselves, other people and the world around them.

The KG environment reflects the natural developmental stages of learning and characterizes our program through our well-equipped and organized:
  • classrooms
  • resource room
  • design thinking lab
  • indoor soft play gym
  • garden courtyard
  • outside play areas
A learner's interaction in and with these spaces stimulates them to become active learners, by providing ongoing opportunities for them to:
  • make choices and decisions.
  • use materials in flexible and imaginative ways.
  • initiate inquiry and ask questions.
  • work collaboratively with others.
  • sustain their interests and extend their knowledge.
  • develop understanding of the world around them